We are not a sleep laboratory, we work closely with several sleep laboratories, and we ourselves offer portable sleep testing equipment that you can take with you to use in the comfort of your own home!

Just like the rest of your body, prevention is the key to having good oral health. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums can make a difference to the foods you can eat and your enjoyment of life. Most of us have had a toothache or sore mouth for some reason at one time or another and it’s not fun.

Or if you are experiencing another kind of problem, like snoring or sleep apnea, which can turn into serious health problems, it’s crucial that you have this diagnosed and if there is a problem, be treated.

Sleep Disorders…can lead to serious health disorders

If you think you have or are experiencing sleep problems, you need to see a dentist who is experienced in providing care for sleep disorders. Your quality of life depends on it.Without treatment, your sleep problems can worsen over time. What may be some interrupted sleep and tired days can worsen until it becomes much more difficult to treat.

Your health

Take care of your mouth the way you would care for the rest of your body. Treatment for any health issues is always easier when it’s done sooner rather than later.

Just as you do, Dr. Westman cares about your health and will work with you to make sure your oral health is at its best.


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