It’s an image that plays out in numerous bedrooms across the globe…
A bed partner is prone to snoring, while the other spends their night nudging and elbowing and grumbling through another sleepless night. At some point, in those dark, deep morning hours, a trek to the uncomfortable couch or spare bedroom happens. Usually the culprit is completely unaware of what has taken place. Completely unaware their spouse is annoyed, discontent and ready to move on.
A peaceful night’s sleep may be the secret to a successful marriage.While snoring and its related sufferings are preventing you from getting a full and restful sleep, you probably don’t recognize the damage it’s taking on your relationships. You don’t recognize the damage and you don’t fully appreciate what your spouse is going through.
If you are waking during the night or if you struggle with continuous snoring, your bed partner’s sleep is equally compromised if they, night after night, are exposed to your horrible sleep habits, their sleep is being equally divided.
Both people lack the proper amount of sleep. This can result in an increase in tension, conflict and ultimately a strain on the marriage. If you think your relationship is being affected by a sleep disorder, fill out our online sleep disorder questionnaire, and we will get back to you with recommendations for your specific situation.
Snoring is no joke
Snoring is often dismissed as a joke, but it can lead to the breakdown of relationships. Partners can’t endure the disrupted sleep and the ensuing emotional toll it takes on both of them.
Outside the bedroom walls, your other relationships are being damaged as well. Friends, co-workers and other family members can sense even the subtle changes in your personality. A simple conversation can result in your irritation, intolerance and impatience with others. It’s not you talking – it’s the lack of sleep!
While your sleep loss is unlikely to destroy an otherwise secure relationship, it can certainly intensify problems or disagreements. When your head is fuzzy and you can’t communicate effectively, problem sleepers often become depressed and dissatisfied with their own relationships. Even interactions with your children can be negatively impacted.
Let us know about your sleep problems and we will work together to find a sleep solution, such as an orthotic or snoring device, that will work for you. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Westman.