Anyone who has ever lost their teeth knows what a heartbreaking time that can be. The light at the end of the tunnel is the fact that they will soon be getting some beautiful dentures to replace the teeth they’ve lost. What an exciting day!

The excitement can soon dissipate for many patients, though, when they start dealing with denture issues. What are these common dental problems? Should patients try to fix the problem on their own? What options are available to denture patients?

There are four common problems denture patients face.

  • Soreness

Many people experience soreness when they have dentures. Part of the problem lies in tissue inflammation, particularly if the patient is receiving and immediate denture. Dentures that are placed right after extractions have been done can feel slightly uncomfortable. The tissue is trying to heal and, ideally, wouldn’t have a hard material rubbing up against it. In time, however, the tissue heals and the dentures feel more comfortable.

Another reason for soreness is because the patient’s oral anatomy has changed because of bone or tissue shrinkage. When this happens, the denture may fit differently and rub a particular part of the mouth or gums causing irritation. A dentist can fix the issue with a denture adjustment or reline.

  • Trouble Speaking

A common denture problem for most people when they first get their dentures is trouble speaking. Dentures do not initially feel “at home” in most people’s mouths, and it takes some time for the wearer to adapt. After some practice and time the patient will begin to talk normally again.

  • Loose Dentures

This common denture problem occurs when there has been bone or tissue shrinkage. This can be remedied with some adjustments or a reline; however, over time the dentures can become unbearably loose and a new set is necessary. Denture adhesive can be used but is not a permanent fix.

Should Patients Fix Their Own Dentures?

Some patients think the best solution to their denture problem is to take matters into their own hands. There have been cases of patients using superglue to glue a denture that’s cracked, broken, or has had a tooth fall out of it. Other patients have taken nail files to their dentures in an attempt to smooth rough patches.

The problem with trying to fix the problem on their own is that the patient doesn’t have the necessary dental anatomy training to adequately fix the problem. In some cases, fixing the denture on their own has caused more harm than good. Some patients aren’t able to glue the denture in perfect alignment, which can cause further irritation and even pain. And, unfortunately, there are patients who have had allergic reactions to certain glues.

When it comes to denture repairs, the best option is to let the dentist evaluate the situation and create a practical and affordable solution.

A Common Denture Problem: Patients Don’t Think They Have Options

Unfortunately, the most common denture problem is that patients think they are destined to continue suffering with their denture issues. In other words, they don’t think there are any options. But, there are!

Many dentists are forgoing a third party dental lab to fabricate dentures. Instead, they’re utilizing their own lab space to make and repair dentures. Eliminating the third party allows the dentist to make the best possible fitting dentures. Since they know their patient’s oral anatomy and esthetic desires, it is easier for them to fabricate dentures that not only fit wonderfully, but that look naturally beautiful.

Instead of trying to suffer in silence, patients should talk to their Racine, WI dental office to see what options they have for making, repairing, or replacing dentures. By communicating their needs clearly before, during, and after receiving their dentures, patients are more likely to receive beautiful dentures with fewer problems.

Have you been suffering with one or more of these denture issues? You have options!

Please contact us today to schedule a consultation. We will help alleviate the denture issues you’re facing using Dr. Westman’s denture lab. Our goal is to make you more comfortable.


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