Want Oral Health for Life?

Regular Dental Cleaning Should Be Part Of Your Defense

Thoroughly brushing and waterflossing every morning and evening, along with a healthy diet is your first defense in preventing oral health problems.

Your second defense is professional dental cleaning. It’s something you probaby can’t afford to skip because even the most dedicated teeth cleaners at home have difficult to reach areas.

Your periodontal therapist at the Office of Dr. Westman in Racine will help you to ensure that your oral health is at its best. Our training, tools and techniques will provide you will all that’s possible in today’s dentistry.

Yes, Professional Dental Cleaning Is Really Important

Oral bacteria are a natural presence. When the volume of certain types of bacteria increase they can infect the teeth (cavities) and gums (gingivitis and periodontitis). Often there is no pain and that can be misleading, so professional cleanings and checkups gums are important to identify problems before much damage occurs.

How Oral Bacteria Impact Your Health

  • Oral bacteria thrive on sugars, i.e., carbohydrates, starches, from our diet.
  • The bacteria convert the sugars and starches into acids.
  • Acids dissolve minerals out of teeth to begin the formation of cavities.
  • Layers of bacterial plaque on teeth grow thicker when fed more sugar.
  • This causes not only cavity infections but bacteria infect the gums and cause periodontal disease that breaks down gums and bones around teeth.
  • Effective teeth cleaning often enough to keep levels of harmful bacteria low is important not only for the teeth and gums but also plays an important role in the gut.
  • The effects of oral health are far reaching. The entire body is connected.

Your Oral Health Is At Risk

Before your appointment with your periodontal therapist at Dr. Westman’s office in Racine

  • clean your teeth the best you can
  • assess whether you have any mouth, tongue, gums or teeth issues, at any time
  • document any oral health or medical issues you may be experiencing
  • write down any questions you may have

Make Professional Dental Cleanings Part Of Your Life

Preventive Dental Care Will Help You:

  • avoid painful problems
  • avoid needing more extensive treatment
  • help prevent losing teeth
  • have a healthier life