Those who suffer from sleep apnea understand how frustrating it is to wake up multiple times during the night. Muscles relax and can block the upper airway of the mouth, making breathing (and sleeping) much more difficult.

An aid to sleep apnea that is often overlooked, but in many ways effective, is dentures.

Denture wearers who struggle with sleep apnea may not realize how it could benefit their condition to leave them in while they sleep.

Dentures Help for Sleep Apnea

There is a myriad of negative side effects associated with sleep apnea, some of which can lead to serious health problems. These can include, but are not limited to, high blood pressure, increased risk of diabetes, depression, and stroke.

While dentures cannot cure sleep apnea, they can improve it significantly. The following are five reasons to leave dentures in during the night:

  • Dentures provide increased airflow

The soft tissues of the mouth are better supported when dentures are in place, which prevents blockage and allows for more normal breathing. The increased airflow helps the body to rest well, providing a better night’s sleep.

  • Dentures take away the need for a CPAP mask

Many sleep apnea victims are uncomfortable wearing a CPAP mask at night, and for them, dentures could be an excellent alternative. Once they are fitted by a professional dentist, dentures can be very comfortable when properly worn.

  • Dentures are easily transportable

Many sleep apnea treatments can be bulky and complicated, but dentures are small and easy to fit into any travel bag. CPAP masks and other treatments can be difficult to pack, but dentures are always with their users. This can simplify the treatment process for victims of sleep apnea.

  • Dentures are easy to wear

For most denture users, it takes less than a week to get used to wearing them. They are easy to wear and can be custom-fit. The transition process to sleeping in them can take as little as two to three days.

  • Dentures reduce the risk of sleep apnea’s negative side affects

Using dentures for sleep apnea can improve quality of rest, which leads to better concentration, increased daytime alertness, and overall emotional stability.

Those who rest well can perform better throughout their day, which improves their quality of life. It can also reduce the negative effects of sleep apnea such as risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

Choosing to Fight Sleep Apnea

Studies have proven those who sleep with dentures see a significant improvement in their apnea symptoms and alternatively, many who remove their dentures before sleep experience worsening effects. Make the decision today to fight sleep apnea in a new way.


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