Snoring can be exhausting

The upcoming annual golf trip was just three weeks away and the jokes were already flying around. “Bring the earplugs” they teased. “We’re drawing straws for Mike’s bunk mate”. As good-natured as the teasing was, it was social embarrassing for Mike. He knew snoring was common his snoring was abnormally loud and intrusive. Mike knew he needed some type of snoring remedy to cure his snoring.

The day can drag

Not only was he being labeled “the snorer”, Mike would also routinely wake up extremely tired in the mornings. Chalking it up to too many late nights, he always vowed to get to bed earlier the next night but would wake up the next morning with the same outcome – sluggish, unmotivated and just going through the motions of the day.

Protect you health and your sleep with snoring treatment

It’s all too familiar an occurrence; everyone has a snoring story to tell. But what may not be familiar to you is that snoring can be a danger to your health, affect your work, dissolve relationships and be the underlying cause of many safety concerns. Snoring increases blood pressure and causes atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries, which leads to heart disease and all too often a shorter life. CT scans of OSA patients show brain changes similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s patients.


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