How does your bite affect your flexibility? Find out
Your balance, flexibility and potential strength all change with something as simple as biting on a plastic pen.
This test demonstrates how a clenched bite changes the way the muscles of your head, neck and back work.
Try it
- Try to touch your toes without the pen between your teeth
- Now do it again while biting down on the pen.
With the pen you were probably able to bend farther.
The pro athlete’s secret
This happens because biting on the pen puts your jaw in its optimum position, allowing your muscles to be recruited to their full potential, improving their flexibility. That’s why many athletes use sports mouthguard. This better jaw position also improves your balance and opens your airway for better strength and endurance.
Is your bite handicapping you?
If improving your bite position can help you do better athletically, think of how your unbalanced bite could be impacting your day to day life. Beyond painful TMJ symptoms, an unbalanced bite can throw off your strength, flexibility and balance, stealing your ability to move gracefully and effort-free.
We offer a FREE 15 minute consultation without any obligation
If you want to get rid of your TMJ symptoms, we can help. Schedule a consultation and we’ll outline the TMJ treatment options that can help to alleviate your pain or discomfort. There are no obligations or commitments — this consultation is absolutely FREE.