Stress can take a toll on the entire body. While a little bit of stress is a good thing, pushing you to take on challenges and accomplish your goals, too much can mean trouble. Insomnia, high blood pressure, heart problems, and fatigue are only a few of the problems that are associated with stress.

Stress has also been found to be a TMJ cause. If you are dealing with a TMJ?disorder, take a close look at your life. Your stress could be your worst enemy.

How stress can cause TMJ

When you are under a great deal of stress all the time, you never truly relax. Your body tenses up, your muscles coiled with tension. You may end up altering your posture, holding your head and neck in an unnatural way.

Clenching your jaw is a common effect of stress as well. In some cases, you may even grind your teeth in the night because of stress, causing additional stress on your jaw and teeth.

Over time, a TMJ disorder could result.

What are the symptoms?

A TMJ disorder revolves around the hinge that connects the upper and lower jaw. Known as the temporomandibular joint, it can cause major problems if it is misaligned, under too much strain, or has become inflamed.

From a jaw that is swollen and tender, to popping noises, a locked jaw, and a stiff neck, these are only a few of the symptoms of TMJ.

Throw stress into the mix and you could also be dealing with stress jaw pain, stress headaches, and stress migraines. If you don’t do something to get the best of your stress, your stress could get the best of you. Your dentist can help.

Resolve your TMJ?disorder

Make an appointment to learn about effective treatment options for your TMJ?symptoms. The solution could be as simple as warm compresses and massage. A mouth guard can be worn at night to correct your bite and relieve tension on your temporomandibular bite.

You also need to deal with your stress in a healthy way. Yoga, relaxation techniques, soothing music, and an exercise regimen can be combined with your dentist’s treatment plan to finally make your TMJ?pain a thing of the past.


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