If you are struggling with persistent discomfort in your jaw that will not go away, you could be dealing with TMJ. Also referred to as a TMJ disorder, it centers on the temporomandibular joint.

This vital joint is the connection between the upper and lower jaw. When everything is in balance and there are no problems, the jaw will have a seamless, smooth flow when engaged in eating, speaking, or yawning. However, if anything has caused your jaw to go out of alignment, there is excessive strain to the jaw, or inflammation has occurred, you could be dealing with a host of symptoms such as:

  • Pain and swelling in the jaw
  • A clicking noise when the jaw opens and closes
  • Moments when the jaw locks in place
  • Severe, chronic headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Persistent throat pain
  • A numb or tingling tongue
  • Hearing loss
  • Difficulties speaking

While there are many reasons that TMJ occurs, you need to take a close look at your teeth. If they are in poor condition, you may have found your culprit.

The shape of your teeth could be the problem

The shape of each tooth is essential in creating the proper bite in your mouth. However, if you are plagued by cracked teeth, chipped teeth, or broken teeth, it can have a major affect on the way that your teeth are placed each time that you chew, bite, or even when your mouth is at rest. You might not consider something as small as a cracked tooth to cause major issues, but it could actually hinder the alignment of your jaw as it attempts to compensate for gaps or lack of balance in your mouth. You need to see a dentist to seek help in mouth reconstruction.

Mouth reconstruction can be an effective TMJ treatment

We can perform thorough examination can get to the root of your problems with your teeth and jaw. Dental bonding could be the answer you’re looking for to restore a broken tooth or a chipped tooth. Tooth bonding involves applying a composite material to your tooth that will be shaped the way your tooth should be. It will match in color as well. Once your teeth are restored, your jaw should fall into proper alignment again.

Find out if dental bonding could be right for you

Don’t hesitate to deal with your potential TMJ problems. Discover your options and find out how smile rejuvenation can bring you the relief that you’ve been looking for.


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