Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth not only affect your appearance, but can affect your jaw, and contribute to symptoms such as migraines and back pain. Worn teeth and poor tooth alignment can develop into complex dental issues over time. You can use a dual-purpose cosmetic product to protect your teeth from further wear and tear.

In fact, such devices can keep your teeth healthy and preserve your smile. Dental veneers are one of those products that can serve a dual purpose. Dr. Westman can create a set of veneers that give you a healthier bite and stability against jaw pain.

What exactly are veneers?

A dental veneer is a small shell of material that fits over an existing tooth. Veneers come in two main textures, which are porcelain and composite. Dr. Westman can create porcelain veneers that fit perfectly over your damaged or warped teeth. The veneers can add fortification to broken teeth, and they can fix subtle alignment problems. Dentists sometimes use veneers for smile rejuvenation, as well.

How can veneers help with my TMJ?

TMJ has many causes that include tooth grinding, a bad bite, dental diseases and injuries. The most common cause is a misaligned bite; an overbite or underbite can indicate an improper jaw alignment. Chipped, cracked and broken teeth can contribute to a bad bite.

Dental veneers can restore the shape and functionality of damaged teeth to help realign your bite; they can create symmetry and encourage precise bite alignment, and can give you a beautiful smile at the same time. Realigning your bite takes the pressure off of your jaw muscles and surrounding muscles in your neck and back, relieving your pain.

What are you waiting for?

Getting veneers is not a complicated process, and veneers provide an easily attainable way for you to minimize your discomfort, prevent TMJ and improve your smile at the same time.Why wait any longer? Find out if dental veneers could help with your TMJ by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Westman.


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