If you are plagued by frequent headaches, you will do anything to make the pain go away. They can wear you down, steal your sleep, and make it impossible to maintain your focus.

When chronic headaches are a companion on a regular basis, they can really have a negative impact on your quality of life. If you have tried every conventional source for aid, it’s time to look in another direction. Your headaches could be due to a problem with your jaw.

How a TMJ disorder could be the source of your headaches

Your?jaw is an intricate system of bone, muscles, tendons, and nerves. When anything is out of balance with your?temporomandibular joint, the vital hinge that connects the upper and lower portions of your jaw, it can truly wreak havoc.

While jaw pain and tenderness is a typical symptom of a TMJ disorder, neck pain, back pain, and nausea are additional problems that can occur. Chronic headaches are also a common side effect when the jaw is strained, inflamed or out of alignment.

The pain and strain that originates in the joint radiates to the head, causing discomfort that is not touched by typical headache remedies. Resolve the issue with your jaw and you could find your headache cure.

TMJ dentistry could be the solution

If a TMJ disorder is at the root of your problem, you could finally find a headache solution by placing yourself in the competent hands of a dentist.

Through careful evaluation and the use of medical imagery, your dentist will be able to determine if your temporomandibular joint is inflamed or has been placed under strain. A bite analysis can assist your dentist as well in correcting and problems with the alignment of your jaw.

Once the right solution has been determined for you jaw, you are likely to find an effective headache treatment as well. From the use of anti-inflammatory medication to a mouth guard or splint, there are many TMJ treatments that could be effective for you.

Find out how your dentist could help you find headache relief

Contact a dentist today to set up a consultation. Once you have made an appointment, you can get to the bottom of a potential TMJ disorder and look for answers together. When your jaw is in order, you may be able to say goodbye to your headaches.


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