Short upper jaw

Look at your face. That cute up-turned nose may be a consequence of an under developed upper jaw. Most adults do not show their nostrils when you look face on. But an under developed upper jaw can mean the nose has not grown to it’s ideal position. This does not mean you are not attractive. Quite the contrary. It is often a marker for youth. But it may mean your bite is not balanced due to the subsequent position of the upper teeth.

Short lower jaw

If you were to look at the profile photo of your teeth, your lips and chin should form a line of 5 degrees or less off of vertical from your nose. If this angle is greater, then your lower jaw is too short. This has many consequences that include muscle tension, head posture and even your breathing or airway. A Chinese proverb says that a man with a short jaw will die early. This is a profound way of saying that there are many signs on your body which indicate a bad bite. More than a weak chin or a deep overbite. This means your longevity can be effected due to Sleep Apnea.


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