We Know You Want Your Health To Be Your Main Priority. It’s Priceless – And We Know Good Oral Health Is Part Of That.
Cost… Everyone’s Concern
At Dr. Westman’s dental practice in Racine, we know one of the biggest concerns most people have when they need to see a dentist is the cost.
Dental insurance can help cover a portion of the cost, but it can also be confusing. Most dental plans don’t cover the entire cost of procedures. Plans are limited by deductables and yearly maximums, and coverage for individual procedures varies widely depending on the quality of the insurance plan.
That’s why Dr. Westman offers payment options and will work with you to find payment solutions so your dental treatment – whether it’s a Smile Makeover, Better Oral Health, Improved Bite, Pain and Migraine Solutions, Sleep Disorders – whatever your dental concerns are – fits into your budget.
We know your health is your priority and we know good oral health is part of that.Dr. Westman and his team will work with you to find a solution that will suit your needs. If you have medical insurance we can investigate how much that might help toward your sleep disorder solutions, and we can file medical insurance claims on your behalf.
If you would like to make monthly payments, we can help you find an affordable monthly payment plan – with an option to have zero-interest charged to you. If you already have an account with Care Credit or Lending Club, you are already qualified and you do not need to do anything further for a payment plan for care in our office. If you don’t yet have have an account, we can help you create one so you can afford care you need.
We Work With Most Major Dental And Medical Insurance Plans.
Plan Ahead For Your Oral Health
Is Treatment Expensive? What Price Are You Willing To Pay?
- Physical pain?
- Lessened quality of life?
- More medical problems?
- Shorter life expectancy?
Compare Your TMJ, Sleep, Or Dental Treatment With…
“Sun is shining as you re-check your list. Everything is packed, cooler is filled, gas gauge is sitting on full and you are ready to hit the road. You reference the map one last time, confirming the most scenic route. Your family has been anticipating this adventure for a long time and it’s about to begin. You buckle up, slide in the key, turn the ignition and . . .
Nothing! It’s dead. Your car won’t start and you are stranded in your very own driveway before you even have a chance to leave town.
You knew this day would come. The day your car would conk out. Conk out and leave you helpless and deflated.
But hey, you need… a car. So you’re shopping around, comparing features, prices, amenities. You talk to friends, get recommendations and research various options. You do your homework and when you are ready, you invest in a new car.”
Apply The Same Analogy To Your Mouth
Shouldn’t the same thought and consideration be given to your health? Isn’t your health more important than your car? After all, your car will only last you a few years. Your health is with you for a lifetime.
Just like your vehicle, the warning signs are evident. TMJ noise means your jaw joints are deteriorating. If you don’t get enough quality sleep sleep you don’t wake up refreshed and you’re exhausted. And you might be cranky and irritable. Maybe your partner too — because of your snoring. You know something is wrong when you have a headache. Same when your teeth or gums hurt.
You know something is wrong and just like anything, the longer you leave it untreated, the bigger the problem will become. You think you have problems now – just wait – they will only become increasingly worse.
Dr. Westman and his team will work with you to find a sleep disorder solution that will suit your needs and fit within your budget. If you have medical insurance we can investigate how much that might help toward your care, and we can file medical insurance claims on your behalf. If you would like to make monthly payments on your portion, we can help you find an affordable monthly payment plan – with an option to have zero-interest charged to you.
If you already have an account with one of the dental financing providers listed below, you are already qualified and you do not need to do anything further for a payment plan for care in our office.
If you don’t have have an account yet, we can help you create one so you can afford the care you need.
Dr. Westman will spend the time to educate you on your oral health AND help you find a payment solution.