Before you visit your dentist, do you experience a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or sweaty palms? If so, you’re not alone. There are so many people dealing with debilitating dental anxiety that researchers have been working hard to find ways to help patients feel better about going to the dentist.

Dentists often take steps including thorough patient education, better injection and numbing techniques, offering movies or music for distraction, and a variety of sedation techniques. The latest anti-anxiety innovation for dental practices is truly revolutionary and may be the very thing to help you feel more comfortable when you see your dentist. What is this new product? It’s an anti-anxiety system called NuCalm.

Why Do So Many People Experience Dental Anxiety?

To fully understand how NuCalm works, it is helpful to know why so many people experience dental anxiety.

Thirty to forty million people in the US alone avoid seeing the dentist because of this extreme, debilitating fear. This is so unfortunate because dental health has such a profound effect on our overall health.

Why do people feel this way about going to the dentist?

Reasons include:

  • Embarrassment – many people are embarrassed at the state of their dental health, particularly if they haven’t been able to see a dentist in a while.
  • Feeling like they’re out of control.
  • Their past experiences were negative.
  • Fear of pain.

Have you ever felt this way? Has it ever prevented you from scheduling or keeping an appointment? If so, you could have a dental phobia; at the very least you’re experiencing a high dental anxiety. Thankfully, anxiety can be a thing of the past with NuCalm.

How NuCalm Works to Reduce Your Anxiety during Dental Visits

NuCalm is an all-natural distraction and relaxation program. The steps include:

  • Taking three chewable tablets. The tablets contain GABA, which is normally found in the brain and used to relax the neurons and combat adrenaline. L-Theanine, an amino acid, is also an ingredient. It increases the efficiency of the GABA and also promotes relaxation.
  • Micro-current stimulation patches are then placed behind each ear. The stimulation helps to facilitate relaxation.
  • Noise-dampening headphones will block outside noises. You will be listening to soothing music in frequencies that will bring your brain into relaxing alpha frequencies.
  • Sunglasses will be worn to reduce visual stimuli during your appointment.

To help ease your mind even further, check out this video. It explains the NuCalm process step-by-step with a patient demonstration.

According to, NuCalm has been used on over 51,000 dental patients. Patients love it because it works, and because it is all-natural. Since this product has been available to dentists, it has received a 4-STAR award from REALITY, a company that reviews dental products as they come out onto the market. Receiving this award is considered unprecedented for most new products.

Reviewers and patients alike also appreciate that there are no side effects and no recovery time. Within just a few minutes of removing the sunglasses, headphones and micro-current patches you will be ready to drive yourself home.

The Anti-Anxiety Dental Visit: It Really Does Exist

By adding this treatment to their sedation options, dentists are able to offer their patients—including you!—anxiety-free dental visits. That’s right—you can feel at ease during every single dental appointment, thanks to NuCalm.

Do you experience dental anxiety? You don’t have to suffer from this debilitating condition any longer. Contact Dr. Westman’s office today to find out more about how we can provide you with a safe, secure and stress-free dental experience.


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