Trouble sleeping? It could be more serious than you think. If you have can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep, you have probably come to accept that this is the way things are going to be.

Whether you are restless at night, have trouble falling into a deep sleep, wake frequently, or have been told that you snore, these are all factors related to your quality of sleep. What you may not realize is that a lack of a solid night’s rest on a regular basis could have a negative impact on your health.

3 myths about sleep disorders that aren’t true

If you have a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or heavy snoring, you are sure to have heard the myths about lack of sleep that are based on misconceptions.

  • A common misconception is that the older you get, the less sleep you need. Therefore, your lack of sleep shouldn’t be a problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your sleep is restorative, allowing your body to recharge and refresh.
  • Another myth is that snoring is harmless. When you snore on a nightly basis, your airway is being partially obstructed. This could block your flow of oxygen to your body and interrupt your sleep as well.
  • Another common myth is the belief that sleep is unrelated to other health problems. When you fail to get quality sleep over the course of time, you are at a higher risk of obesity, serious heart problems, and diabetes.

Your sleep problems could be related to your jaw

If you are having a tough time getting the sleep you need, your jaw could be part of the problem. If your temporomandibular joint, the hinge that acts as the connection between both parts of the jaw, has problems, it could actually affect the way you breathe at night. This especially holds true if your jaw is out of alignment, causing your bite to be improperly placed.

Your dentist may be able to help

Make an appointment with a dentist trained in the principles of neuromuscular dentistry to discuss the possibility of a problem with your temporomandibular joint, also referred to as a TMJ disorder. Through a thorough examination and the use of advanced technology, he or she?can pinpoint any problems with your jaw, and prescribe treatment to help resolve the problem.


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