Simple solutions, big relief
Simple stretching and relaxation exercises can usually provide at least some amount of relief to tense and sore muscles due to TMJ, but more is usually required to get relief from structural misalignments.
Sometimes, anti-inflammatory injections and/or referred pain trigger point injections are all it takes to break the pain cycle. Most patients find these injections remarkably comfortable, instant relief is provided that might last hours, days, weeks or months, and injection therapy can be provided repeatedly when necessary.
If the bite of your teeth is currently misaligning your jaw muscles and joints, and/or your head, neck and jaw posture (due to TMJ), a craniomandibular orthotic – a dental appliance – will physically improve the position of your lower jaw to provide you with the most predictable comfort.
A neuromuscularly balanced acrylic orthotic will assist the teeth to come together in a healthy bite position. This simple piece of plastic brings fast relief to the muscles of your face and neck. Your teeth finally find their intended ‘resting place’ and the relief you encounter can improve the quality of your life significantly. And the relief is just the beginning.
There is good news if you think you might suffer from TMD…
First all, Dr. Westman and his team will bring back balance to your system. By bringing back this balance, we help to take away the stress, strain, pain and pressure that has been building in your jaw, face, neck, shoulders, back and the rest of your body. After a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis, your treatment can start immediately.
We strive to balance your bite again so that all your pain symptoms should decrease and often disappear. There is no surgery involved in helping you with your pain and problems. We are balancing muscle activity, joint position, tooth contact and posture using a very special piece of plastic called an Orthotic.
Through examination by a dentist that treats TMD, you will be offered not only a correct diagnosis but more importantly, a correct, individualized, exclusive treatment plan. To gain insight into your specific issues, modern science is used to determine exactly what is causing the problem. An analysis will show just how much damage has been caused.
The muscles of your jaw and neck will be measured while your jaws are functioning. This allows for the dentist to determine your optimal balanced bite position. The healthy function of your teeth depends on the proper balance and function of your jaw joints, jaw muscles and teeth. When these three elements are balanced, teeth come together to allow the muscles and jaw joints to rest without strain or tension. Without this balance, the results can be:
Want to get rid of the pain? Get started.
Dr. Westman and his team will work with you to ensure the end result is optimum balance and comfort in your mouth, your jaw and your face. They understand that the bones, joints, muscles, and nerves in the face and neck have a complex relationship. They work to correct the bite, relieving strain on the jaw and the surrounding muscles. Once the bite has been aligned, resulting pain in many areas of the body should disappear.
While the treatment may last months and may include a number of different options, the results can last a lifetime! It can lead to permanent eradication of your painful and irritating symptoms.