Struggling with sleep disorders is no laughing matter. Whether you are a victim of snoring or sleep apnea, these problems rob you of a good night’s sleep. Worse yet, they can have serious consequences when it comes to your overall health and well-being.

When a sleep disorder causes an obstruction of your airway in the night, your body is deprived of oxygen and the rest period that allows you to recharge for the next day. Over time, obesity, chronic fatigue, and heart problems can result.

If a sleep disorder is tormenting you, you need to get to the root of the problem. Surprisingly enough, it could be your tongue.

The link between your tongue and sleep

Your tongue is an amazing and powerful muscle i that helps you to eat, talk, swallow, and sing. It is also essential when it comes to your bite. When your jaw is in proper alignment and there is enough space in your mouth, your tongue will rest behind your teeth, acting as an important source of support.

However, if there is a problem with your bite, the alignment of your jaw, or even the spacing in your mouth, a TMJ disorder can result. A TMJdisorder revolves around the temporomandibular joint, otherwise known as the hinge that connects the upper and lower jaw.

When there is a problem with this joint, there can also be a problem with your tongue, causing it to be pushed too far back at night, blocking your airway. When your airway is blocked, you’ll find yourself with breathing difficulties in the night.

Solving the problem with your tongue so you can sleep well again

In order to get to the bottom of your sleep disorder and any TMJ symptoms that are?troubling you, you need to seek help from what some folks call a TMJ dentist. After a careful evaluation, TMJ treatment can be recommended in order to adjust your bite or any other issues with your jaw in order to ensure your tongue no longer blocks your airway at night.

A good night’s rest may only be a phone call away

If you would like to learn more?about the connection between your sleep disorder and your tongue, please schedule a free consultation.


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