A thorough examination and consultation with Dr. Westman.

After you complete your New Patient Registration Form, you can reserve your one-hour (or longer), comprehensive TMJ/TMD evaluation/examination visit – the key in diagnosing and getting rid of your head, neck and jaw pain and other symptoms, and sleeping better.

In addition to your clinical examination and diagnosis, the one-hour (or longer) comprehensive visit includes discussing the cause of your pain and what can be done about it. We’ll help you plan for your future care including further diagnostic procedures if appropriate, therapeutic options, and long-term treatment options tailored just for you.

Gathering scientific data to diagnose and treat your case, starts with:

1 comprehensive clinical examination includes identification of bite and posture patterns: careful observations of signs and symptoms of your TMJ/TMD disorder and how it affects your posture, muscle tenderness, jaw joint function, and wear & tear on your teeth and gum tissues.

And may include the following…

2 A digital CT-Scan of your jaws to observe possible jaw joint pathologies or nasopharyngeal airway insufficiencies. Our team can explain the costs of this service, which we perform right in our office using ultra-low radiation cone-beam CT-Scan Technology (150 to 300 times less than medical ct-scanners).

3 Neuromuscular testing or ‘Scans’ using advanced Biopak instrumentation. Computerized tracking, measurement and recording of jaw posture, range of motion, movement patterns, and electromyographic (EMG) activity of important muscles.

ComputerizedJaw Tracking Eight Channel Electromyography Joint Sonography

No more tension

When your jaw is in its most natural and relaxed position, your TMJ/TMD symptoms will begin to disappear along with the pain and discomfort associated with your jaw misalignment. The first step in determining the most optimal position of the jaw – where the muscles are relaxed and at rest – requires the help of sophisticated technology.

The Orthotic covers the biting surface of all the lower teeth.

A relaxed bite is recorded and is used to create models of your teeth in a relaxed position.

The way the teeth meet in a relaxed state is observed.

An Orthotic is made at the relaxed position.


What T.E.N.S. does

A TENS or a Transcutaneous Electro Neural Stimulation (TENS) is a therapy for the treatment of head/neck/jaw/facial muscle pains associated with TMJ/TMD.

Mild pulses are released on your facial muscles, to relax the muscles of your face and jaw. This procedure will help determine the proper jaw position for your jaw.

The activity of your muscles and joints are measured and analyzed to create an orthotic. The orthotic will allow for your jaw to close to its optimum position. In this position, the muscles are at an ideal length where they are not prone to spasm.

Muscles will heal, joint capsules will heal and pain trigger points will be reduced.


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Monday – Friday: 7am -2pm
Weekends: Closed

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