TMJ is no picnic unless it is the kind with mosquitos, flies and ants on a hot, humid and sunny day in the middle of a dessert where there is no running water, toilets or air conditioning. Sound inviting? Of course not, but did you know that it is something many Americans, millions in fact, deal with everyday? Are you one of those people who are living in constant pain??

A few missing teeth might not seem like a big deal

A dental makeover does more than improve your look. Remember the teeth you lost ten years ago when you tripped down the stairs? If those teeth were never replaced, chances are your jaw alignment is much different from what it was back then. The explanation for that is simple. When teeth “go missing” for any reason, even if they were professionally removed, they leave a gap behind. If that space is not replaced with a filling or dental implant, then the teeth surrounding the open area begin to shift.

Truth is, they often are

As your teeth move, the way you bite also changes. When your teeth close together if they start to feel uncomfortable it’s because they are no longer a perfect fit. This unbalanced bite causes your jaw neck and head muscles to work extra hard, straining them and the nerves that run umderneath them.

This is your body’s way of fighting back and trying to make your teeth fit properly together again. Unfortunately, all of the shifting can change your bite so much that your jaw becomes affected. When your jaw moves out of alignment, you’ll know it. You might feel it click when you chew, or it might feel like your jaw sticks when you yawn. That is when the recurring symptoms of jaw pain, neck pain and constant headaches really begin.

Experience the joy of a pain-free smile

A dental or smile makeover can resolve the issues that have caused your TMJ disorder. A qualified dentist can help you correct the specific problem areas that are causing your pain. There are many steps involved in a dental makeover, from replacing any gaps with dental implants or bridges, correcting your bite, straightening teeth, realigning your jaw and more. You can finally lose your “pain in the neck” and gain a more beautiful, stress-free smile!

Learn more

If you want to know more about your jaw and what a dental makeover can do for you, download my free e-book, “Cosmetic Dentistry is for Everyone”. It will help you determine of a dental makeover is the solution you’ve been looking for.


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