Do you experience ear pain that cannot be explained as a result of a medical problem with your ear? Do you suffer from pain in your jaw, difficulty opening or closing your mouth, or persistent snoring? You may be experiencing ear pain as a result of your jaw. Fortunately, there are solutions available that can provide you with relief.
Why does TMJ cause ear pain?
Many people fail to see the link between jaw pain and ear pain, but the two are actually closely linked together. The most basic explanation of the link between the two is that when the joints in your jaw become inflamed as a result of TMJ, they begin to put pressure on the muscles that connect your jaw and your ear canal.
Once pressure is placed on either one of these two muscles, you begin to experience problems in your ear, including ear pain. Other ear related symptoms include ringing in the ears or a reduced capacity to hear sounds that is the result of swelling that has occurred in the ear canal as the muscles become more irritated.
Finding the right dentist can eliminate your ear pain
If you are suffering from your pain or any of these other related symptoms, you may have found yourself going to one medical doctor after another in an attempt to identify the problem and correct it. If you have been attempting to find relief for your ear pain with little success, you may be able to find the relief that you have been looking for by finding a dentist in Kenosha to handle the problem for you.
Relief comes in the form of relieving your TMJ symptoms because your ear pain is directly related to those symptoms. This is done through eliminating the pressure that is placed on the jaw by employing the use of special mouthpieces or other dental treatments in order to take the pressure off the joints, realigning the jaw as needed.
Long-term relief
Once the joints of your jaw are no longer inflamed, the muscles that connect the jaw in the ear canal are no longer irritated. The resulting pressure no longer causes ear pain or any of the other ear related symptoms and you are finally able to find the relief that you have been searching for.
If you suspect your ear pain may be caused by TMJ, take my TMJ questionnaire. I’ll get back to you with a free, no obligations diagnostic recommendation that will help you find the treatment you need to recover.