Today, the medical and dental research community has verified a link between posture and temporomandibular joint dysfunction, better known as TMJ. TMJ can be caused and exacerbated by many factors, not the least of which is poor posture. If you have joint pain and have been wondering, “Is posture related to tmj?,” this short and useful article will provide you with the answer and start you on the road to treatment.

Understanding TMJ dysfunction

TMJ at its simplest is a misalignment of the jaw with the skull. In this misalignment, the teeth do not grind properly together, there is stress and tension on the nerves, ligaments, muscles, and joints of the jaw, the nerves and blood vessels are inflamed and constricted, and over time, severe dysfunction in the jaw can result. In the early stages, often a mild sensitivity or pain in the face or jaw area is all the indication you will receive. This is why it is so important to learn to detect the signs of TMJ in its early stages so you don’t have to endure the worst of the symptoms.

How jaw pain and posture are connected

When you have good posture, your head is balanced perfectly atop your neck, which is balanced perfectly in alignment with your spine and so forth. Your blood vessels and nerves, ligaments, and muscles, joints and bones are all able to do their jobs unimpeded. But when your posture is poor, you begin to place pressure on all the systems of the body. Noticing that jaw pain is linked with posture if often simply a matter of keen observation. For instance, patients sometimes notice that if they cock their head to one side, their jaw pain worsens, and when they raise their head up again, their jaw pain lessens. You can experiment with this to see if postural changes ease jaw pain.

Team up with your chiropractor and your dentist to find TMJ solutions

Because at its core, TMJ is a product of misalignment, chiropracty is commonly prescribed as a supportive treatment for TMJ patients. In the same way, getting regular chiropractic adjustments can improve posture. As you notice how much better you feel after an adjustment, you will be able to be more mindful to stay in alignment as you move and use your body. In this way, both your posture and your TMJ symptoms will improve.

Do you have TMJ? Find out

If you suspect that TMJ might be the cause of your symptoms, take my questionnaire to find out. Fill it out and I’ll reply with a free, no-obligations diagnostic recommendation.


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