You hear about TMJ all the time. Maybe you’re wondering if you might be suffering from this problem yourself. If you’ve been dealing with pain and swelling in your jaw, an annoying clicking noise when you yawn or you, or your jaw has actually locked up on you a few times, TMJ could be the culprit.

To find out if you do in fact have TMJ, you can start by taking these TMJ tests that could indicate your temporomandibular joint is at the root of the problem.

Start simply

TMJ disorders originate in the joint that connects the upper and lower jaw. When this joint, surrounding muscles, and tendons are in balance, everything will flow nicely. However, throw something out of whack and you’ll find yourself dealing with inflammation, strain, and pain.

If TMJ is the source of your trouble, you need a proper diagnosis in order to find a TMJ cure. Your own tests can point you in the right direction before you seek professional help.

Three self tests that could indicate TMJ

While there are many factors that could indicate you have TMJ, try these simple tests.

  • First, try a posture test. Turn to the side and take a look in the mirror. You can also have a friend take your picture. If your head is drooping forward, you are not holding your head properly and this can affect the alignment of your jaw.
  • Another self test involves checking for an overbite. If your top teeth overlap your bottom teeth by a considerable amount, you have a problem that is probably affecting the alignment of your teeth and your bite.
  • Another simple test requires you to consider the condition of your teeth. If you are missing teeth or grind your teeth, your bite will be affected. This can lead to strain and TMJ.

Now it’s time to turn to the dentist

If any of the TMJ tests indicate that you may have a problem, or you’re simply dealing with the classic symptoms of TMJ, make an appointment with a dentist. Through examination and diagnostic tests, it will be possible to pinpoint TMJ. You’ll also learn about TMJ exercises and a TMJ treatment that will work for you.


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