A ‘Temporo Mandibular Disorder’ (TMD)…?more than a mouthful

Throughout your day you run into all kinds of people that mention all kinds of ailments. Strained knee, sore shoulder, headache, twisted ankle, aching arm … but you probably don’t encounter anyone who says “yeah, I’ve got a really bad bite!”

The reality is, a bad bite can result in soreness, improper mouth function and deformation of your face. A bad bite is also a leading cause of TMJ. Your upper and lower teeth don’t close and come together in the correct way – the way they are intended. The obvious signs include an under-bite or an over-bite, however, someone with a beautiful smile can still experience irritation if their muscles and joints aren’t comfortable.

So, how did I acquire this ‘bad bite’?

Your unaligned jaw and poorly fitted teeth could be the result of one issue or a combination of factors.

  • Allergies as a child
  • Thumb sucking or other oral habits
  • Old dentistry that has broken down or worn out
  • The shifting of teeth after tooth loss



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