“My teeth don’t seem to line up when I bite down, could that be the cause of my TMJ?”

A ‘bad bite’ is certainly a leading cause of TMJ. It affects your jaw alignment and muscle tone which can create TMJ.

It can lead to years of pain, a face that is functionally inadequate and changes to the shape and ultimately the deformation of your overall appearance.

The causes of an unbalanced bite vary from person to person.

Below the surface…

Even though you have gone through all the trouble of having orthodontic work done, you could still have an unbalanced bite. Your teeth might look beautiful – be straight and gleaming white, but there could be problems that you can’t see.

Your teeth don’t have to look crooked to have an unbalanced bite. You could have a perfectly straight set of teeth and still be suffering from headaches, facial deformity, mouth-function issues, ringing in the ears, cracking and popping in the jaw, numbness in your arms and fingers and numerous additional symptoms.

An unbalanced bite can affect your entire body. The way your teeth ‘mesh’ together is the single most important factor in your jaw muscles’ activity. An unbalanced bite will create muscle imbalance causing pain, discomfort and irritation from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

So…if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, and even if your teeth look perfect from the outside, you need to have your bite checked for possible TMJ problems, for which we offer various treatments.


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