Do you have a problem with snoring? Do you have a tendency to wake up several times in the middle of the night for no apparent reason? Finally, do you wake up feeling tired all the time?

You may have even been diagnosed with sleep apnea, yet you are attempting to learn more about the disease.?In order to understand how sleep apnea affects you and how you can better control it, it is essential that you first have a thorough understanding of what sleep apnea is.

Sleep apnea is most frequently caused when soft tissues at the back of the throat relax and partially obstruct the upper airway. This is a fairly common occurrence, especially in individuals who have enlarged tonsils or who have an airway that is smaller than average. It is also extremely common for people who are overweight or who have a tendency to sleep on their backs regularly. In some cases it can also be caused by problems associated with the jaw which allow the jaw to slide back during sleep. When the jaw becomes misaligned it makes it easier for the soft tissues to become partially occluded, thus causing problems associated with sleep apnea.

Can you say CPAP?

Many people who are diagnosed with sleep apnea are often told to use a CPAP machine which is designed to force air into the airway, thereby opening the airway further and allowing the individual to breathe easier. However, CPAP is not effective for some people. Some individuals simply cannot tolerate the machine and others find that they lose more sleep due to the constriction and the noise that is produced by the machine than they do from the sleep apnea itself.

Find your alternative

Fortunately, there are alternatives to CPAP which include mouthpieces that are designed to keep the jaw from becoming misaligned during sleep. For many individuals, this effectively deals with the problem and eliminates the need for CPAP altogether.

If you have experienced problems with sleep apnea Kenosha, seeing a qualified dentist that specializes in handling problems of this type can help. In addition, finding a CPAP alternative Racine can typically help patients who are suffering from problems associated with sleep apnea. Individuals who suffer from this problem can then potentially regain their health without the need for additional treatments. Moreover, they can benefit from restful sleep once their sleep apnea problems have been adequately addressed.

Learn more

If you wonder if your snoring could be a result of sleep apnea, please take my on-line sleep questionnaire. ?I’ll get back to you with a free, no obligations diagnostic recommendation that will help you find the right treatment to overcome your sleep disorder and get back to good health.


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