In a perfect world, we would all go to sleep and wake up lighter.

No grapefruit diet plan. No working out for hours in the gym. No herbal supplements or magic pill. Just sleep and wake up thinner than we went to bed.

Sound like a dream? Wait a minute. There is definitely some truth to the tale. The key to weight loss can be as simple as getting adequate rest.

Research shows people who lack proper shut-eye tend to weigh more than those who have regular, quality sleep. There is certainly a vital balance between good sleep and good health. People with sleep deficiencies have altered levels of a hormone known to control hunger. This causes an increase in your appetite and also in your preference for high-calorie foods.

When your body is cheated out of sleep, there are numerous physical consequences. Lack of sleep affects your hormones, your appetite and your mood. When you are tired, you tend to crave comfort foods and are more likely to indulge your craving for them. Rather than grabbing for the celery sticks, you will choose chocolate, chips and candy.

If you think a sleep disorder could be affecting your weight, take our online sleep disorder questionnaire, and we will get back to you with recommendations for your specific situation.

Although you may feel like you’ve received a temporary boost in your energy, you will find you are hungry more frequently. Because the real problem is your sleepiness not your hunger, it will lead you not just in making poor choices but frequent poor choices.

Furthermore, when you are tired, you are less resistant to stress, which triggers emotional eating for a lot of people. People will use food to keep awake, again, failing to recognize its sleep your body is craving, not the food.

What does all this mean? Simply stated – lack of sleep can increase your appetite and encourage weight gain. Anyone who encounters the late night munchies can testify to that. We will work together to find a sleep solution, such as an orthotic or snoring device, that will work for you, and could help control your weight. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Westman.


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